Tapi buat teman-teman, hendaknya sebelum membuat janji, memperhatikan hal berikut :
- Think about the promise before you make it. (Pikirkan tentang janji itu sebelum kamu menjanjikannya).
- Be honest about your capabilities. (Jujurlah akan kemampuanmu -untuk menepatinya).
- Talk about the promise with another person if you doubt. (Bicarakan dengan orang lain jika kamu ragu).
- Watch the things that you promised. (Perhatikan benar-benar apa yang kamu janjikan).
- I swear
- I promise
- Trust me, I can
- I will pick you up
- I assure you that I will return it on time
- I won’t go, I swear to stay here
- I swear I will not let you down
- Don’t worry, I’ll see you before i leave
- etc.
- Thank you
- I believe you
- Let me be assured
- Okay
- Just let the time to answer
- I wish you can keep on your promise
- I’ll wait for you
- Really ?
- I give you one more time
- I wish you are not kidding me in this time
- etc.
Terus kalo misalnya kita ternyata tidak sanggup menepati janji gimana? Yang pasti kita harus minta maaf dan mengakui kesalahan kita karena tidak bisa menepati janji. Nah, sekarang ada lagi contoh expression yang namanya Admitting Mistake (mengakui kesalahan). Tidak hanya bisa dipakai kalo janji tak dapat ditepati, tapi juga bisa untuk kesalahan-kesalahan yang lain yang diperbuat.
Ini contohnya :
- I’m sorry, it’s my fault.
- You’re right. I’m fully responsible for this matter.
- I admit what I’ve done is wrong.
- I realize I’ve made mistakes.
- Yes, I take the blame.
- It’s my istakes. Forgive me.
- It shouldn’t be like this. Forgive me.
- I never intended it that way.
- etc.

- Don’t mention it.
- That would be okay
- Just take it easy
- Let it go
- Forget it
- That’s fine
- I give you sorry
- It doesn’t matter for me
- etc.
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