Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Contrastive Conjuction and Modal Perfect

Contrastive Conjunction

Contrastive conjuction merupakan jenis kata penghubung (conjuction) yang menghubungkan dua kalimat yang saling bertentangan.

Conjunctions and the Oppositional or Contrastitive Relationship

The following conjunctions are used to express the oppositional/contrastive relationship:
  • but (tapi)
  • although (meskipun)
  • even though (walaupun)
  • though (meskipun)
  • whereas (sedangkan)
  • while (sedangkan)
As we have seen above, most conjunctions can be used to link two parallel parts of speech. The oppositional or contrastive conjunctions are no exception. Consider the following examples.
  1. He's a student of English but not a very good one.
  2. My neighbor's dog is large though friendly.
  3. He's tall and rich but not handsome.
The second use of conjunctions, again as noted above, is to link ideas expressed in clauses.
  1. I gave a presentation at the conference, but it was not well-received. 
  2. The janitor washed all the windows, though he didn't do a very good job.
  3. Psychologists are interested in individuals, whereas anthropologists study groups.
Conjunctive Adverbs and the Oppositional/Contrastive Relationship
There are several conjunctive adverbs that can be used to introduce oppositional or contrastive information, as in the list below.
  • however (bagaimanapun)
  • instead (malah)
  • on the one hand . . . on the other hand (di lain pihak)
  • by contrast (sebaliknya)
  • nevertheless (namun)
The following sentences illustrate the use of some of these conjunctive adverbs:
  1. Monica wanted to go skiing this weekend; however, she's changed her mind because of the weather.
  2. On the one hand, sales have increased; on the other hand, profits have declined.
  3. Republicans outnumber Democrats 3:1 in this county; nevertheless, Democratic candidates usually win here.

Prepositions and the Oppositional/Contrastive Relationship
There are several prepositions that are used to introduce oppositional or contrastive information:
  • as opposed to (bertentangan dengan)
  • despite (meskipun)
  • in contrast to (berbeda dengan)
  • in spite of (meski)
  • instead of (daripada)
  • notwithstanding (meskipun)
The following sentences illustrate the use of some of these prepositions:
  1. He runs 25 miles a week despite having bad knees.
  2. In contrast to some southern states, New York State has been steadily losing population over the last twenty years.
  3. Notwithstanding his best efforts, he came in third from last.

Modal Perfect
S + Modal + Have + V3 + O

Modal perfect adalah penggunaan modal yang kemudian diikuti dengan pola seperti pada perfect tense (yaitu have + V3). Penggunaan modal perfect sendiri bermacam-macam, tergantung modal yang digunakan. Berikut penjelasan rincinya..

1. must have done = we are almost sure something happened in the past
  • Jane wasn't feeling well yesterday. She must have caught a cold.
  • Bill didn't answer the phone when I called him. He must have fallen asleep.
2. can't have done = we are almost sure something did not happen in the past
  • She can't have forgotten to send you an invitation. I gave her your address.
  • They can't have gone to bed late. They were very tired.
3. may / might / could have done = it is possible that something happened in the past but we aren't sure.
  • Laura hasn't arrived yet. She may/might/could have missed the bus.
  • I didn't see Paul at work. He may/might/could have been ill.
4. could have done = we had the ability to do something in the past but did not do it.
  • You could have told us about the new project!
  • She could have called me when she arrived but she forgot.
5. should have / ought to have done = (a) it was the right thing to do but we didn't do it. (b) we expected something to happen but it didn't.
  • You should have told him the truth.
  • They ought to have received the cheque by now.
6. would have done = we wanted to do something but we didn't do it in the end.
  • They would have emailed you but the Internet was down yesterday.
  • I would have bought that DVD but I didn't have enough money.\
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