Selasa, 04 Desember 2012
Passive Sentence
Passive sentence is a sentence we use when the object is more important than subject.
Passive sentence often use in newspaper, magazine,etc.
Direct and Indirect Speech
Saying exactly what someone has said
is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech). Here what a person
says appears within quotation marks (“…”) and should be word for word.
Indirect speech (sometimes called
reported speech), doesn’t use quotation mark to enclose what the person said
and it doesn’t have to be word for word. When reporting speech the tense
usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually
talking about a time in the past. The verbs therefore usually have to be in the
past too.
Now, how to change direct speech into indirect speech?
Now, how to change direct speech into indirect speech?
Narrative Text
Hampir semua orang tentu tahu apa itu dongeng. Apalagi kalau waktu kecil suka didongengi, pasti tahu cerita yang digambarkan pada gambar di atas. Apalagi kalau bukan Si Kancil dan Buaya.
Nah, segala macam cerita yang fiksi termasuk dalam Narrative Text. Termasuk cerita Si Kancil dan Buaya.
Mari kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang Narrative Text !
Nah, segala macam cerita yang fiksi termasuk dalam Narrative Text. Termasuk cerita Si Kancil dan Buaya.
Mari kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang Narrative Text !
Persuading and Encouraging, Preventing Someone from Doing Something
Persuading is an expression to persuade someone. So, someone want to do something as like as persuader’s request.
Expressions of Persuading :
- Are you really sure you can’t/couldn’t...?
- Don’t be so silly!
- I really think it would be a pity if we didn’t...
- Are you quite sure you won’t consider...?
- Buy me this one, Mom, please ?
- I really think you’d do well to...
- Oh, come on!
- Can’t I persuade you to...
- Let’s join... You won’t regret it.
- I’m begging you. Will you...?
- Just this once!
- How I can persuade you to…?
- Won't you… Please?
- Why don't you…?
- You're not going to let me down, are you?
- Not even for me/for my sake?
Encouraging is an expressions to give someone support or motivation to do something so he/she can achieve the goals.
How to Encourage Someone ?
How to Encourage Someone ?
If your goal is to learn how to encourage someone, follow the quick below guide:
1. Praise
2. Show people their strength
3. Show appreciation
4. Believe in them
5. Be a positive role model
1. Praise
2. Show people their strength
3. Show appreciation
4. Believe in them
5. Be a positive role model
Expressions of Encouraging :
- Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do better the next time.
- You have my support.
- You’re doing very well.
- You like it? Go for it!
- It wouldn’t hurt.
- Keep at it!
- Stick to it!
- Give it a shot.
- Come on. This is not the end of the world.
- We feel you should go ahead.
- I’m sure you’ll win !
- Go on, you can do it!
- Don’t give up!
- Keep it up!
- No pain, no gain.
- This is for your best ..
- I'm sure you will pass ...
Preventing Someone from Doing Something
Preventing is an expressions to prohibit someone to do something that he/she don’t want.
Expression of Preventing :
- You mustn’t ...!
- You shouldn’t (really) ...
- You’d better not ...
- (For godness sake) Don’t look!
- You can’t ...!
- You’re not (really) supposed to ...
- I don’t really think you should ...
- Stop! Wait! (Or other imperatives)
Discussion Text
Kalau melihat judul di atas, mungkin yang terlintas di pikiran kita adalah orang yang sedang berdiskusi. Jadi, Discussion Text itu apa ya? apakah kumpulan pendapat orang-orang? emm.. kurang tepat mungkin jika disebut begitu.
Lebih tepatnya, Discussion Text adalah teks yang berisikan suatu wacana atau masalah yang ditulis dari dua sudut pandang yang berbeda (biasanya pro dan kontra). Nah, untuk lebih detailnya, simak tulisan berikut ini !
Asking about Possibilities, Expressing Curiosity and Desire, Expressing Views
Asking about Possibilities
- Would it be possible for (somebody) to …?
- Do you think it’s possible that ... ?
- What possibility is there that ... ?
- Is there any possibility that ... ?
- What's the possibility of ... ?
- What are the chances of ...?
- Do you think you can…?
- Is it possible that ... ?
- Is it possible to ... ?
- Are you capable of…?
Responding an ask about possibility :
- Yes, it is.
- That’s possible.
- Sure. It can be.
- I think so.
Expressing Curiosity :
- I want to know...
- I’m curios about...
- I’m eager to know...
- What I’d really like to find out is …
- I’d be very interested to know …
- I’ve been meaning to ask you.
- I’d like to know …
- I wish I knew …
- I’d love to know …
- What’s on your mind?
- I wonder …?
Responding curiosity :
- You can ask him in person.
- Let’s find the answer. I am also curios about it.
- Let time show us the truth.
Expressing Desire :
- I wish I could...
- I want to...
- I’m interested...
- I’m wondering...
Expressing Views
- I support your decision.
- If I were you,..
- Personally I believe…
- In my view, …
- It seems to me…
- From my point of view…
- I’d just like to say…
- Well, to my mind this scene…
- Personally, I consider…
- To be perfectly frank…
- If you ask my view about it, I will say that I agree with it.
Agreeing with a view :
- Thank you.
- Of course.
- You're absolutely right.
- Yes, I agree.
- I think so too.
- That's a good point.
- Exactly.
- I don't think so either.
- So do I.
- I'd go along with that.
- That's true.
- Neither do I.
- I agree with you entirely.
- That's just what I was thinking.
- I couldn't agree more.
Disagreeing with a view :
- That's different.
- I don't agree with you.
- However…
- That's not entirely true.
- On the contrary…
- I'm sorry to disagree with you, but…
- Yes, but don't you think…
- That's not the same thing at all.
- I'm afraid I have to disagree.
- I'm not so sure about that.
- I must take issue with you on that.
- It's unjustifiable to say that...
Senin, 03 Desember 2012
Bussiness Letter
Explaination Text
Pernahkah kita berfikir, mengapa cahaya putih dapat terurai menjadi 7
warna berbeda? Atau bagaimana mungkin air di bumi ini tak pernah habis?
Dan banyak lagi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menuntut penjelasan.
Kalau di pelajaran bahasa Indonesia kita hanya mengenal 5 jenis karangan saja, dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada buanyaaaakkk jenis text. Salah satunya adalah Explanation Text, yaitu text yang berisi penjelasan mengenai proses-proses yang terjadi di alam, sosial, atau kebudayaan. Mari kita lihat uraian lengkapnya !
Complaining and Giving Instruction
Apa itu complaining? Complaining itu bisa diartikan sebagai komplain, keluhan, atau protes mengenai sesuatu yang membuat kita tidak nyaman. Hal ini sering kira temui dimana-mana, terutama menyangkut tentang pelayanan.
Kalau misalnya, suatu hari kita lagi jalan-jalan di luar negeri nih, terus kita mau komplain tentang kamar hotel, tentunya kita harus menyampaikannya dalam bahasa internasional, yaitu Bahasa Inggris. Sehingga, perlu bagi kita belajar "sedikit" tentang jenis expression yang satu ini.
Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya, tinggal diisi titik-titiknya dengan apa yang mau dikomplain.
Kalau misalnya, suatu hari kita lagi jalan-jalan di luar negeri nih, terus kita mau komplain tentang kamar hotel, tentunya kita harus menyampaikannya dalam bahasa internasional, yaitu Bahasa Inggris. Sehingga, perlu bagi kita belajar "sedikit" tentang jenis expression yang satu ini.
Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya, tinggal diisi titik-titiknya dengan apa yang mau dikomplain.
Minggu, 02 Desember 2012
Making Suggestion and Requesting Something
Making suggestion bisa diartikan menjadi membuat saran atau usul. Sedangkan Requesting something berarti memesan atau meminta sesuatu. Tentunya hal ini sering kita lakukan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Tentunya dengan cara yang baik juga sopan supaya apa yang kita sampaikan bisa direspon dengan baik.
Nah, sekarang kita belajar tentang Making Suggestion.
Nah, sekarang kita belajar tentang Making Suggestion.
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